Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Bright and Beautiful

Mandala Art by Cat Stone

"Carnival Bubbles".





Aren't these gorgeous?
You can find them for sale at deviant art. More originals are for sale at this little shop. She also has a great website, chaoticat.com - well worth browsing. I found all kinds of soul food and eye candy.


  1. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Hey Shirly.. thanks for the inclusion in your lovely blog.

    The link for my store isnt working.. so here it is again!

    I also have another online shop selling originals http://mumzmall.co.uk/chaosart/


    Cat x

  2. I'm sorry about that! I was so sure I had the links right that I didn't think to check them. I've updated the post and fixed the link. I hope this brings you lots of visitors!

  3. Lovely blog! I really like the 'Goddess' mandala. Have you seen the book, "natural mandalas" by Lisa Tenzin-Dolma? I just bought it last week and it's beautiful.

  4. Thank you! No I had not seen "Natural Mandalas", I'll be sure to look for it next time I shop for books.


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