Monday, November 19, 2007

Some thoughts about Mandala Art

Mandalas speak to the soul. They are art, yet they are more than art, the same way we are each our selves, and yet we are more than our selves. Mandalas invite and entice us to look beyond the surface, to the many layers that combine to form our experience of an image in the moment.

The word "mandala" is from the Sanskit, meaning "circle". Mandalas have traditionally been graphic, mystic symbols of the universe, of creation, and of the drama of a human in the world seeking his or her sense of origin. They have been used by many different cultures to cultivate power or healing energy, to protect, to inspire, and to call upon the divine. Mandalas are deeply a part of our nature. They are found in our cells, in our eyes, in fruit, in flowers, in snowflakes and tree trunks and molecules.

A mandala can be a point of focus. It can be a soothing presence. A mandala can be a porthole to dreams, a prayer for healing, or simply a beautiful decoration.

Artists all around the world are painting mandalas. The possibilities are infinite! Each new mandala is a unique expression of the One pattern that contains all patterns. If you'd like to explore, you can take a fantastic journey through nearly 200 artist's mandalas at Clare Goodwin's Mandala Page

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