Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Take a Deep Breath

Take a deep breath. Feel it hitting in the middle if the chest. Feel as if the whole existence is pouring vitality and life into you, into your heart. Do it at least five times.

Now exhale deeply, again from the heart, and feel you are pouring all that has been given to you back into existence.

Do this as many times in the day as you remember, but whenever you do it, do five breaths at once.

This technique will help you feel more vibrant and alive, enjoying whatever life brings. It will help you shift from the head to the heart. You will become more sensitive and aware of many things that you have not previously been aware of. You will start  feeling life really throbbing in you.

From Pragito Dove
Discover Meditation Training Inc.
Mandala by Trevor Nichols

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